Wonders of the Living World

Curiosity, awe, and the meaning of life


Science and the Church

News & Articles

Wonders of the Living World: Material for Churches

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Podcast: Celebrating Science in Sacred Spaces

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Natural History – Calling or Distraction?

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Parks in the Parish: Churches that take science seriously

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Dinosaur Sunday

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Guest Post: Messy Science

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Worshipping God with Science: Beauty from the Earth

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Wonder and Worship: Beauty in Science

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Podcast: Pilgrimage – Exploring Science and Theology outdoors

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Jeff Schloss: How do you think science and faith fit together?

16th March 2021

Jeff shares his own journey in relating science and faith, from no…

Margaret Miller: What is the value of creation and what does that have to do with us?

16th March 2021

Margaret has always believed that ecosystems have a value of their own,…

Rhoda Hawkins: What do you think we can find out about God from his creation?

16th March 2021

Rhoda doesn't believe we can find evidence for God's existence from creation,…

Simon Conway Morris: What do you think we can find out about God from his creation?

16th March 2021

Simon cannot simply say that the book of nature is also the…

Jeff Hardin: Why are you a scientist and a Christian?

20th April 2021

Jeff explains how he learned about Jesus when he was about 12,…

Jeff Hardin: What questions about meaning and purpose does your work make you ask, and how does your faith help you answer them?

20th April 2021

Seeing how embryos develop brings a sense of humility at our fragility…

Jeff Hardin: You have been known to use the Bible in one of your lectures – how does that work?

20th April 2021

When Jeff starts teaching his developmental biology class, he uses Psalm 139…

Jeff Hardin: What thoughts are prompted by the beauty you see in the lab?

20th April 2021

For Jeff, beauty in science is a pointer to the God, 'the…

Jeff Hardin: What do you think we can find out about God from his creation?

20th April 2021

We see variety, intricacy, and  complexity in the world that God made and…

Jeff Hardin: Can we use the language of purpose in biology?

20th April 2021

Jeff is happy to talk about God's overall purpose for the living…

Alister McGrath: How can a feeling of awe and wonder in science prompt people to ask questions that science can’t answer?

5th May 2021

Alister shares his most vivid experience of wonder while on vacation in…

Alister McGrath: Does the natural world have any value in and of itself?

5th May 2021

This is an area where Christianity has a lot to say. It…

Alister McGrath: Suffering, and our sense that things should be better

5th May 2021

Alister speaks about suffering in our world and people's concerns about how…

Alister McGrath: Why do you think a faithful interpretation of scripture can also be faithful to science?

5th May 2021

Alister holds this position because it seems to fit best with what…

Hilary Marlow: Where can we find hope when we find the task of creation care too difficult?

5th May 2021

The Bible offers images of hope that the created world will be…

Hilary Marlow: What is the purpose of creation?

5th May 2021

Psalms 150 and 148 describe all creation praising God, and sharing that…

Rhoda Hawkins: How do you think science and faith fit together?

1st June 2021

Rhoda grew up with Christian parents, and so learned about God as…

Simon Conway Morris: Why did you become a scientist and a Christian?

1st June 2021

Simon explains how he became interested in palaeobiology, and how the same…

Simon Conway Morris: Can we speak about purpose in biology?

1st June 2021

We often use purposeful-sounding words in biology, but a discussion of purpose…

Simon Conway Morris: What is convergent evolution?

1st June 2021

The conditions on planet earth have constrained or channelled the processes of…

Simon Conway Morris: What questions about meaning and purpose does your work make you ask, and how does your faith help you answer them?

1st June 2021

How can we see meaning in the world, or even understand it?…

Margaret Miller: Why are you a scientist and a Christian?

7th June 2021

Margaret's parents were Christians, and this faith became her own after she…

Margaret Miller: How do you think science and faith fit together?

7th June 2021

For Margaret, science and faith are complementary, and she enjoys being able…

Margaret Miller: What do you think we can find out about God from his creation?

7th June 2021

For Margaret, the beauty of coral reefs is a reflection of God's…

Margaret Miller: The ethics of ‘interfering’ in ecosystems

7th June 2021

Margaret's career has been all about watching coral species die. She has…

Stephen Freeland: Why are you a scientist and a Christian?

7th June 2021

A place at Oxford University seemed such a gift to Stephen, he…

Hilary Marlow: Exploring what the Bible has to say about suffering in the living world

14th June 2021

Hilary explores the idea that animal death seems to be a normal…

Hilary Marlow: How should we interpret Genesis?

14th June 2021

Hilary explains how, when interpreting Genesis, we need to take into account…

Jeff Hardin: Can we use the language of purpose in biology? What do people mean by it?

14th June 2021

Jeff is happy to talk about God's overall purpose for the living…

Jeff Schloss: Examples of how cooperation works in the animal kingdom

14th June 2021

Jeff shares a couple of examples of cooperation, describing how animals make…

Jeff Schloss: Why it’s important to study cooperation in the living world

14th June 2021

Cooperation in living systems is fascinating for two reasons, and in this…

Jeff Schloss: What questions about meaning and purpose does your work make you ask, and how does your faith help you answer them?

14th June 2021

Jeff shares how he started his work on cooperation because he disagreed…

Jeff Schloss: How important is cooperation in the living world?

14th June 2021

Jeff describes how cooperation has been involved in all the major transitions…

Margaret Miller: What is coral?

14th June 2021

An explanation of what coral actually is: a relationship between animal, plant…

Margaret Miller: How does climate change threaten coral reefs?

14th June 2021

Climate change will have a very serious effect on coral reefs, as…

Rhoda Hawkins: What questions about meaning and purpose does your work make you ask, and how does your faith help you answer them?

14th June 2021

Rhoda studies the way in which random movements at a very small…

Rhoda Hawkins: How can God create the universe using random processes?

14th June 2021

Rhoda has no problem with the idea that God might use random…

Stephen Freeland: What is your research, and how does that fit in with your faith?

14th June 2021

Stephen briefly introduces his research, and how that fits in with his…

Stephen Freeland: What’s so special about proteins?

14th June 2021

Living organisms use 20 different building blocks to build proteins. That set…

Stephen Freeland: Can you explain the deeper scientific meaning of your work, and the questions it raises?

14th June 2021

Stephen explains the implications of his scientific work, the questions it raises…

Alister McGrath: What can we learn about God from science?

14th June 2021

Thinking of theology as lens, as C.S. Lewis did, brings things into…

Jeff Hardin: How do you think science and faith fit together?

14th June 2021

For Jeff, science is an amazing way of discovering how God made…

Ruth Bancewicz: What has been the thinking behind this material?

17th June 2021

Ruth explains the thinking behind this series. Scientists experience awe and wonder…